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On 28th April, the Hon’ble Minister for Works and Human Settlement, Lyonpo Dorji Choden visited the institute and granted audience to staff and students. This was Lyonpo’s first visit to the institute after having been elected as a Minister. Lyonpo Dorji Choden is the first woman minister in Bhutan and also happens to be the nation’s first woman engineer.
While addressing the faculty, staff and students, Lyonpo said that JNP is close to her heart and she always wanted to visit the institute. Lyonpo reminded the students that engineers should be innovative and bring about solutions to problems. She told that ‘Engineering is solving a problem and Engineering is innovation. If you work hard, there will always be a job for you’. Lyonpo responded to some queries asked by staff and students to wind up the visit.
Lyonpo also thanked the Director, faculty, staff and students for the warm welcome and hospitality and also assured that the Ministry of Works and Human Settlements will collaborate with JNP and work towards contributing towards the socio-economic development of the country. Lyonpo said that JNP, as an engineering institution could provide various short term training/refresher courses for the practicing engineers/technicians from the Ministry, while JNP could benefit by availing appropriate resources from the ministry.
The Hon’ble Minister also visited facilities in the Civil Engineering Department, Central Library and the IT Department and left for Thrimshing, Trashigang on April 29th, 2014 after spending a night in the Executive Guest House of the institute.