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Maintenance Hobby Club

Maintenance hobby club, Electrical, is established to create a working avenue for the interested students to promote innovative skills for effective Troubleshooting and Maintenance of electrical equipment/appliances. Engaging students in the hobby of their interest leads to acquiring and promoting his/her skills, knowledge and experience in the related field of study.
 The objectives of Maintenance Hobby Club are:

  • To inspire students to take up maintenance of equipment and appliances as a hobby and explore their potential to fix the problematic appliances.
  • To main and sustain longer life of equipment and minimize the investment in new one vis-a-vis control the environmental impact.
  • To encourage students’ participation in maintenance activities as recreational activities thus providing an opportunity for creative troubleshooting and maintenance techniques.
  • Help the college and local community by fixing the problematic appliances.
  • To create better interaction with the local community by providing the repair and maintenance services.