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The Eastern Regional Bhutan University of Sports Federation (BUSF) in JNEC was held on 10th till 11th October 2017.  The first match of BUSF was female volleyball match which was won by Sherubtse team. While the second match was played between boys’ team and JNEC Volley ball boys team won victoriously. The third match of the day was female football match where JNEC team won with slight victory (2-1 score).
Next day the BUSF started with basketball match of both female and male category. Team Sherubtse won both the categories and towards the evening at 3:00 p.m. male category football match was played where team Sherubtse won the match with the score 3-2 against team JNEC.
On Sunday, 15th October, team JNEC will be leaving for Sherubtse College, Kanglung for another round of BUSF Tournament.
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Publication Unit